Home Sweet UK

I am in fact referring to a UK other than the University of Kentucky…

Plans change and that is okay! Sadly, because Anthony has a close family member in bad health at home in England and with all of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we opted to head to England for the time being. A few days after returning from Tasmania, we boarded a flight from Brisbane to London. We found out later that really was the best decision for us. The entire world is in this together and Australia was getting just as bad as everywhere else and backpackers were being urged to head back to their home countries.

We have had to make peace with the reality of our situation. That is why it’s taken me so long to write the past two posts from Australia, because in truth it stung a little. But, in the past couple weeks we have settled into a new home and a new way of life during these strange times. We are here with Anthony’s family, we are all healthy, and that’s all we can really ask for at the moment, and that is enough.

We haven’t given up on the dream of traveling around the outback in a campervan, but perhaps the timeline has simply changed. As for plans in the coming months, it really all depends on how long this whole corona crisis continues.

The weather is getting much nicer, we have a decent routine, plenty of games, and plenty of time to think of and plan future travel. When it comes down to it, worrying will probably only grind on me rather than help anything.

The first time I visited Bath was roughly a year ago last March for his brother’s wedding. I’ll admit I forgot how lovely it is. In my mind, England’s weather reputation is all doom and gloom, but it has been really pretty here since we arrived. A few days even reached the 70s (Fahrenheit) and I laid outside reading and relishing the sunshine. Something that’s different from the states is that there are tons of public footpaths through the woods and fields. We live basically in the city of Bath, but in ten minutes I can be down by the creek. Even private landowners are required to keep the paths open to the public. Back in Kentucky, I would not want to be a stranger walking through someone’s field, but it’s totally different here which I love!

It really is a beautiful city, all of the buildings are primarily made out of limestone giving the whole city a really classic look. We have taken a couple drives in the countryside admiring the scenery. Vast green hills go on and on dotted with centuries-old estates.

I may not have a whole lot to write about during this time, but after all I am still in a foreign country and I can act like a tourist right here in England. As of April 17th, the government announced that we will be on this level of lockdown for at minimum three more weeks, so until May 7th. Hopefully after that, I will at least get to familiarize myself more with Bath and surrounding areas. Obviously, we will stay at home until the government deems it safe to do other things and will always adhere to any safety precautions and guidelines.

Since we’re already in Europe, we may even plan a small Euro trip if that becomes a possibility this year. 2020 may not be the best year for travel, but eventually the world will return to normal. When that will be no one even remotely knows. Until then, my goal is just to stay healthy, sane, and positive, and I wish the same for my friends and family back home. <3 <3

P.S. my new UK phone number is +44 7306 358589

Current physical address is:

159 Rush Hill

Bath, Somerset BA22QZ


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