He is Po, and I am Mads.

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica 2019

Pai, Thailand 2023

And Together We Are POMADS! Get it?!

Welcome to my amateur blog! This is mainly designed for friends and family wanting to keep up with Anthony and I’s journey, and a way to document and remember these experiences more accurately. I suppose this could also be a helpful resource to anyone curious about international travel. Stay tuned for a look into our trials and tribulations navigating life in new places far from home.  

Don’t hesitate to reach out – keeping in touch with friends and family back home is something we both care about!

We are using our same phone numbers through iMessage. If that fails, we both use WhatsApp to easily stay in touch with our families. Lastly, there is always social media! An Instagram or Facebook direct message is a surefire way to get in touch. (:

Our Story

After a few moments of hearing the two of us talk, often people ask, “how did you guys meet?” considering we were born and raised on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Anthony, nicknamed Po for reasons I shouldn’t disclose, is from Bath, England, a charming city roughly two hours southwest of London. I am in fact from the good ol’ USA born and bred in western Kentucky. Since graduating from the University of Kentucky in 2017, I started work as a superyacht stewardess. This is how I met the English deckhand working on a yacht docked in Miami, FL at the same marina as my floating home/place of work. And the rest is history.

We are bonded by our love of travel and our nontraditional lifestyle choices I suppose. Ready to start the next adventure together and seeking a place where we could both live and work legally, Australia was deemed an excellent option for 2020.

Well, we all know what happened in 2020 and even in the years that followed. We went back to England, Anthony started a desk job, I began a master’s program, and we settled for a bit until the world opened back up for travel.

For a while there, I felt angry. I’m not really sure who I was angry at, but I felt as though my life had been halted in the prime of my life and turned upside down by this pandemic, and I wanted someone to blame. Looking back now, it was a poor attitude to have, and thank goodness I have an optimistic and problem-solving-minded partner who guided me out of a tragic cycle of anxiety, confusion, and pessimism.

I look back on that time period now with gratitude. Facing adversity is part of life, and while it may suck to go through, we usually come out of it stronger and smarter.

It’s three years later, we’re married, and back on the road living a nomadic lifestyle. We are just EXTRA grateful for these opportunities this time around.